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New Vessel Operation Restrictions Regulations amendments for Lee River and Pinawa Channel

Transport Canada has made changes to Vessel Operation Restriction Regulations (VORR) and new regulations are in place for the Pinawa Channel and Lee River. The regulations came in effect on Dec. 20, 2023 and are permanent.

Waters in Which Towing a Person on Any Sporting or Recreational Equipment is Prohibited Except During the Permitted Hours:

The regulations prohibit towing from 2:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. on Saturdays and Sundays on the Pinawa Channel between the entrance to Pinawa Channel and the Old Pinawa Dam.

The regulations prohibit towing at ALL TIMES on the Lee River within 100 metres of the shore between the Rock Pile (the narrow passage on the Lee River) and the mouth of the Lee River.

Waters in Which Allowing a Person to Wake Surf is Prohibited:

The regulations prohibit wake surfing at ALL TIMES on the Pinawa Channel between the entrance to the Pinawa Channel and the Old Pinawa Dam.

The regulations prohibit wake surfing at ALL TIMES on the Lee River between the entrance to the Pinawa Channel and the Rock Pile (the narrow passage on the Lee River.)

Check out our pamphlet and feel free to print it off!

Vessel Operation Restriction Regulations Committee 

Participation took place between June 1 and July 25, 2020

There have been growing community concerns about waterway safety along the Pinawa Channel and the Lee River. To address these issues, the Rural Municipality of Lac du Bonnet established the Vessel Operation Restriction Regulations Committee (VORR), to gather information, receive public input, and report recommendations to the Rural Municipality of Lac du Bonnet. 

The recommendations made by the VORR Committee were reviewed by the Rural Municipality Council, and the RM submitted an application to Transport Canada to request new safety regulations be put in place on the Pinawa Channel and Lee River. 

In 2023, Transport Canada announced new restrictions for portions of the Pinawa Channel and Lee River.

For more information regarding the VORR and Transport Canada's process please see: How Transport Canada's Vessel Operator Regulation Restriction (VORR) Process Works

Between June 1 and August 11, 2020, the Committee:

1 Conducted a Community Survey;
2. Hosted 3 Public Forums:
a. Wednesday, June 24th, at the Rural Municipality Office 5:30 to 7:30 p.m.
b. Friday, July 10th at Granite Hills (Osprey Boat Launch) 6:00 to 8:00 p.m.
c. Saturday, July 25th at Fernwood Picnic Shelter 9:00 to 11:00 a.m.
3. Researched efforts made in other similar communities;
4. Worked with partners and stakeholders to make recommendations to improve waterway safety; and,
5. Presented the VORR Recommendations Report to the Rural Municipality of Lac du Bonnet.

Community Waterway Safety Survey Results 

The Community Waterway Safety Survey was completed in 2020. From June 1, 2020 to July 30, 2020, 517 people filled out a survey, which is many more than the Committee expected. The Committee thanks all those who participated and expressed their opinions. 

The survey results are presented in a seven-page recap and a full 148-page report. 

Vessel Operation Restrictions Regulation Committee Survey Results Recap

VORR Committee Waterways Safety Recommendations Report 

Vessel Operation Restrictions Regulation Committee Final Report 

The Vessel Operation Restrictions Regulation Committee completed its final report in August, 2020. 

VORR Report: Waterway Safety Along the Pinawa Channel and Lee River, August 2020